Darby Mountain


Seward Peninsula


Located on the Seward Peninsula of northwest Alaska, the project consists of 16 State of Alaska claims that are 160 acres each, totaling four square miles.

Geology, History & Mineralization

The claims are located on a uranium occurrence first reported by the USGS in 1976 (Miller, Elliott, Finch, and Brooks, USGS Open-File report, Sept. 27, 1976).  The report noted that the field party encountered subcrop assays of 0.15 percent U3O8 and 1.05 percent ThO2 occurring in the margins of alkaline dikes in a larger syenite body.  The report noted that the alkaline dikes are part of a swarm that crops out over at least 100 square miles.

This information was also included in an Alaskan Open file report – 109, “Investigation of Alaska’s Uranium Potential” by G.R. Eakins, B.K. Jones, and R.B. Forbes.

Fermi recognizes that Alaska has a large untapped mineral potential and that the possibility of developing economic uranium and REE ore bodies does exist in Alaska.


These claims were originally staked in the summer of 2006 on the basis of these reports.  The Company purchased the claims from the underlying owners in the fall of 2023.

  1. U-City Claims (16)